Sunday, October 3, 2010

Acne Skin Treatment - 5 Steps to Cure Acne

If you are suffering from the skin condition called acne, or you are seeing the symptoms and you are looking for tested natural remedy tips that can be used for acne skin treatment, then in this article i am going to share with you five important tips that if you follow them, you will be able to cure or prevent the skin disease called acne.
The first and very vital step to cure acne is for you to drink plenty of water. Water consumption is not only good for your body but also for your skin. Dermatologist have proven that just taking a large number of quantity of water daily will wash out a lot of disease and that includes acne
The second step is to drink fruit juice.Especially the green tea which contains antioxidants that fight acne causing bacteria.
The third step is for you to reduce heavy make-up. Remember each make up you put on your skin contains chemical's and most of them have side effects.
The fourth step is for you to control your mind.Being relax and calm will you to get rid of acne. The state of your mind literally affects every other part of your life
The fifth step you must follow for acne skin treatment is to take lots of Vitamin E.Vitamin E supplements guard the skin against acne.
These 5 steps are natural methods that you can follow to cure acne, they have no side effect whatsoever which occurs if you follow pill consumption



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