Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How To Prevent Acne and Pimples, Clear acne , scars, oily skin, pimples oil clots, blackheads

Clear acne , scars, oily skin, pimples oil clots, blackheads

Pimples are tiny skin lesions or inflammations of the skin. They usually develop after blackheads or whiteheads become clogged and infected. They may appear as deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) on the face, neck, chest, back and sometimes shoulders.
Before we begin to learn about how to prevent acne and pimples it is important to understand how pimples are formed.
There are oil glands on our chest, face and back numbering in the thousands. In fact, between the nose and cheek areas there are as many as two thousand oil glands every square inch. The function of these oil glands is to lubricate the skin by producing oil, or sebum. Oil that is produced in the glands flows through follicles or tiny ducts to the surface of the skin.
In acne sufferers, the uneven shedding of dead skin cells constantly clog the oil glands. Bacteria then invades the area, feeding on the sebum resulting in a blemish (or internal lump). Our bodies respond by fighting the bacteria with white blood cells. As these cells die off they form puss which builds up, swelling the area, resulting in a pimple. At this stage the pimple can develop further into nodules and cysts that go deep into the skin. These can be quite painful and even lead to scars.
Acnezine is a skin care management system that has been highly successful in preventing pimple breakouts by attacking the root of the problem. It consists of a skin anti-oxidant taken orally and a moisturizing cream containing benzoyl peroxide, one of the first proven treatments for acne which has been used for decades.
In addition to whatever treatment you are using and advice you have sought, here are 5 basic tips that will go a long way in helping you prevent acne and pimples:
    Commit to a strict regimen – Depending on the day’s activities, set specific times to wash your face with a suitable cleanser (Avoid oil & alcohol based cleansers as they leave your skin dry and tight). Note that over-washing may lead to your skin producing even more oil. When it comes to applying skincare products, avoid oil-based ones. If your dermatologist prescribes a skincare regimen, sticking to it will produce the best results in the long-term.
    Avoid contact with your face – Our hands are consistently “dirty”. Unless absolutely necessary, avoid touching your face. By doing so, you are preventing bacteria and dirt from clogging your skin pores. In addition, those with long hair should try keeping your hair from direct contact with your face as our hair traps dust and dirt throughout the day.
    Do not allow sweat to linger – Those with sporty lifestyles should as far as possible wipe away excessive sweat from the skin during exercise. After exercise, it is important to use a mild face cleanser to get rid of dirt and dried sweat as soon as possible. Consider using a gentle exfoliate to remove dead skin once or twice a week.
    Avoid scratching, pinching & squeezing – While it might look inviting to pop that irritating pimple on your face, doing so might lead to permanent scarring and leave the spot redder and more swollen.
    Seek early treatment – In most cases, severe acne problems can be avoided through seeking early treatment from a qualified dermatologist. Having your dermatologist prescribe a regimen of surgical treatments, skincare products and constant review will accelerate the healing process as well as prevent future breakouts.
Acne Treatment & Cure
Mike Walden, a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Health Consultant who was once a chronic acne sufferer, found a holistic system to permanently clear his acne problem and end breakouts. In his book Acne No More Mike highlights a step by step system for curing acne. You will learn to make important changes and follow new routines for a clearer skin.
There are other contributing factors like genetics and type of skin that affects the severity of acne. For severe cases of acne, consult a dermatologist for systemic medications like antibiotics in addition to topical treatments.
Reducing Acne Scars
The best way to prevent any acne scars from forming is to prevent acne in the first place. However it is not always possible. The clogged pimple leaves behind bacterial debris which then erupts down into the deeper layer of the skin. As our body struggles to remove this foreign debris with an inflammatory response, a wound in our skin is the result, and we end up with a scar.
Acne Scar Treatment - RevitolThere is a scar reducing cream called Revitol that is known to be effective. However results are not immediate. When used over a longer period many people have reported dramatic results. On the right is a before and after photo of a patient who had been using Revitol for 6 months. Individual results do vary.



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